CVAC - Cyclic Variations in Adaptive Conditioning

What Benefits can be Gained from the CVAC Process?

CVAC has the Potential to Enhance your Performance:
Increase VO2 MAX
Decrease Muscle Soreness
Boost Mitochondrial Production Enhance Cellular Functioning
Remove Metabolic Waste


Improve your performance and endurance naturally and faster by improving your recovery.

Fitness increases your ability to thrive – it is not just about ripped muscles. Exercise improves the body’s energy systems, promoting proper organ function and supports efficient metabolism. Regular exercise or physical activity stimulates healthy fluid flow through blood vessels, body tissues and lymphatic vessels. Your overall wellbeing will benefit.

The CVAC Process creates an atmospheric workload that challenges the body to natural and tolerable stresses. Since the CVAC Process exposes the body to changes in pressure that set up waves of tension and resolution, CVAC Sessions allow an athlete to continue to gain improvement in energy production on the days he/she needs to rest to avoid overtraining.

The work and the recovery occur in sequence within the 20-minute CVAC Session. While your body’s cellular energy-making machine is being enhanced, your body is also receiving assistance in eliminating the waste
products naturally produced during past intense workouts. Your body’s pipes are cleaned, allowing easier elimination of waste production in the next intense exercise session.

So how do you get the benefit of exercise if you cannot exercise?

The CVAC Process provides the benefits of traditional aerobic and anaerobic exercise without the joint stress and physical exertion that can be associated with these activities.

CVAC is a solution for overall well-being in conditioned and de-conditioned individuals representing all activity levels. CVAC Systems, Inc. is committed to scientific rigor as the basis of all our explorations.

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Think of CVAC as "Cellular Exercise"

Circulation Energy to Cells
Cell Hydration
Bone Density
Lean Muscle Mass
Flexibility Range of Motion
Immune System
Nerve Response
Muscle Response

Pain Stiffness

CVAC - Cyclic Variations in Adaptive Conditioning

How does it help athletes?

 Reach Your Peak Performance Faster!.

Competitive cyclists, runners, triathletes, tennis players, MMA fighters, motor sports racers, hockey players (and many other athletes) consistently report having more power to use in their activity with much less effort. Jim “JC” Chapman of CVAC Systems, Inc., an advanced practitioner of the CVAC technology says, “my athletes notice that they are not as tired after their workouts; and they are able to hit their workouts harder.” How does this happen? We believe it is the improved oxygen utilization and glycolytic energy production combined with enhanced recovery that they all get from taking CVAC Sessions.

Improve your performance and endurance naturally and faster by improving your recovery

The work and the recovery occur in sequence within the 20-minute CVAC Session. While your body’s cellular energy-making machine is being enhanced, your body is also receiving assistance in eliminating the waste products naturally produced during past intense workouts. Your body’s pipes are cleaned, allowing easier elimination of waste production in the next intense exercise session.

How about less wear and tear on your body?

The increased physical workload of your exercise or athletic activity causes the parts of the cell that create energy to become stronger and more efficient. Your energy output for use during future activity is improved; however, increased physical workload can often be accompanied by muscle tearing, joint stress, and lactic acid build up.

The CVAC Process creates an atmospheric workload that challenges the body to natural and tolerable stresses. Since the CVAC Process exposes the body to changes in pressure that set up waves of tension and resolution, CVAC sessions allow an athlete to continue to gain improvement in energy production on the days he/she needs to rest to avoid overtraining.

Is the CVAC Process like altitude training?

We recognize that endurance athletes often engage in altitude training; however, that training differs greatly from the adaptation-based conditioning of the CVAC Process. In the CVAC Process, dynamic changes in pressure are applied to fresh room air only. The hypoxic stress component of the CVAC Process is brief, transient, and pulsatile. By contrast, nitrogen tents, a popular form of “altitude training” use static, long-term exposures to unnaturally lowered oxygen concentrations.

How Does it Help My Active Lifestyle?

Fitness increases your ability to thrive – it is not just about ripped muscles. Exercise improves the body’s energy systems, promoting proper organ function and supports efficient metabolism. Regular exercise or physical activity stimulates healthy fluid flow through blood vessels, body tissues and lymphatic vessels. Your overall well-being will benefit.

Perhaps you don’t compete against others in a sport, you engage in physical activity to support good health and overall well-being.

Why should you take CVAC Sessions?

Your workouts improve your fitness by increasing demand on your body’s energy systems. These increased demands are easier to see when lifting weights, for example.

In CVAC Sessions, your fitness is also improved by increased effort; the challenges are provided by varied changes in air pressure. The body naturally adapts to this increased demand and improves and accelerates fitness even more.

You will see gains that allow you to achieve better oxygen utilization, improved anaerobic energy production and improved metabolic waste removal.

One big benefit seen by many is improvement in utilization of available oxygen; this could result in longer cardio workouts without fatigue. The CVAC Process provides time-efficient benefits that fit into busy schedules.

What if I Can’t Workout or Exercise?

The CVAC Process provides the benefits of traditional aerobic and anaerobic exercise without the joint stress and physical exertion that can be associated with these activities.
One University-based study performed with athletes showed great improvement in the athletes’ utilization of oxygen.

Another University-based study of sedentary men resulted in improved blood glucose levels similar to the results of a moderate to high-intensity exercise program; their counterparts received a placebo and did not achieve improvements.

What happens in a CVAC session?

Air is steadily drawn out of the CVAC pod to create a low pressure environment. Fresh , filtered air is then dynamically returned providing changes in pressure and in varying the density of the air. The body's energy systems get a workout while the lymphatic system receives a "touchless massage", that facilitates the removal of waste products.

How many sessions will I need?

You may notice changes during your first session, however it may take 10-24 sessions for chronic conditions.

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